Lets face it. If you’ve been fortunate enough to hear anything from Downer’s latest EP ‘Side Chick’ you most likely loved it; don’t worry though, so does everybody else! Since being picked up by a number of reputable independent hip hop stations in the states Downer’s talent is finally getting some more much deserved attention from lovers of hip hop that may never have heard of the likes of Downer before. These indépendant hip hop stations include K-100, Zulu Radio, WNYU and KGNU, these guys should be thanked for doing their part in spreading the word about Downer; they’re doing everybody a favour by giving him a spotlight.
After working with producers throughout 2015, this new EP gives fans 4 brand new songs that are sure to have everyone singing along and listening to the new tracks all day. Showing his connections Downer works with other big names in the rap community for this EP including Nicho Savant in the title track ‘Side Chick’ and Ripped in ‘Lay Me Down’.
Everybody loves this EP and its good to see Downer being exposed to a wider audience. Be sure to check out Downer via the links below, and here is the Title Track of his EP ‘Side Chick’.
The ‘Side Chick’ EP
Official Links: