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Johnny Bennett Gets Praise From Uber Rock
28 May 2013

Our Johnny has killed it again! The ultimate rock website, ‘Uber Rock’, has given a rave performance for Johnny’s side project, ‘The Gutter Report’.

The reviewer, Jamie Richards, praised Johnny’s musical talent, stating “It’s about as straight down the line, organic-homely-rock as you could get, and it’s just brimming with Johnny’s suit an’ tie-mother-fucker-cool-guy-attitude.”

Jamie was so impressed by Johnny’s performance that it wouldn’t surprise him if Johnny eventually grabs the attention from the mainstream music industry: “Johnny Bennett should be a name everyone knows, one of these days he may well be, and this album will certainly do no harm at all in his attempt to conquer the world”.

 You never cease to amaze us Johnny, keep up the awesome work!

 To read the full review, head to

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