blue pie news

01 Oct 2006

We are pleased to announce that a global label and distribution deal was signed in Sydney, Australia today between Blue Pie Productions CEO (Damien Reilly) and Astral CEO (Michael A Puskas). The three year non exclusive deal was signed to support a growing and popular trend that music delivered in a simple digital interface is the very essence and foundation of the music business of today and tomorrow.

“It’s not about putting CD’s on shelves with the likes of Tower in the US and Virgin in the UK anymore. Its about cost effective delivery to a mass audience that wants ready access to quality content at an affordable price in a shop at home and online environment” said Mike Puskas when inking the deal.

The arrangement will give both business’s a massive boost to the scope of its combined catalogues as the content is sold as either single track downloads or full album downloads to over 160 plus retail outlets across the globe. In addition Astral’s already successful licensing arm into the lucrative US, UK & European film and television markets was further strengthened by being appointed as the, Strategic International Licensing Manager for the Blue Pie Group worldwide and will act as an active consultant for the further development and assignment of the licensed rights that Blue Pie holds with its artists into an existing and further expanding international licensing platform.

Michael will be responsible for the provision of both Astrals and Blue Pie’s content into a wide range of feature film, television series and advertising opportunities as part of an established platform of seasoned professional music supervisors around the world. All royalty collection will be effectively monitored and carefully administered by our Blue Pie’s sub publishers Fintage House in the UK.

The agreement will see both entity’s video content ingested and available online through some 70 plus online media outlets throughout Europe. While Astral continues to create video output opportunities with its many associates at MTV, VH1 and Much Music in Canada. Last year in October 95 Astral licensed some 194 original tracks into the worldwide broadcast platform for MTV / VH1 and into such mainstay shows as, Punkd, Room Raiders, Made, The Real World, MTV Cribs etc through its associates at the PIF Factory in the US. From today artists that have a finished album will be able to present their quality product to the Astral / DEAD Famous label and its subsidiaries, Clockwork and Shogun Records for immediate positioning into the platform with the bulk of the revenue coming directly back to the artists, which will only act as further stimulus for them to act as global ambassadors to the growing artist community in which they operate. The deal agreement will see approximately 300 plus titles ingested into the platform and released worldwide in the next 12 months. For more check out the websites here:

Blue Pie Productions:
Astral Records & Music / DEAD Famous:www.astralrecordsandmusic

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