blue pie news

Welcome Khylune to the Blue Pie music party!
14 Nov 2011

Blue Pie are pleased to announce the signing of Malaysian Artist Khylune!

Khylune’s eclectic choice of songs for his debut album underlines the mixed influences of spending a good portion of his time in the UK and the United States.

Born in Malaysia, he sang gospels predominantly in the early years. Khylune spent the first 6 years of his singing career traveling extensively around South East Asia performing live shows. After that, he took a break to study performing arts in the UK. It was then that he started taking an interest in musicals and the more commercial genres of music. The break also gave him the opportunity to dabble with some song writing.

He felt the fierce pace of change in the music industry quite fascinating but at the same time rather difficult to keep a tab on. Its constantly evolving trend and newer genres can be quite intimidating to the average person. It is not too difficult to be diluted by what appears to be the current ‘preferred style’. However, there also seems to be a constancy within all these changes and the evidence lies in the fact that some music possesses a more universal appeal than others.

After all, today some of the greatest hits being played are by music legends like Louis Armstrong, Nat King Cole and Nina Simone, just to name a few. Khylune’s late foster dad, a successful music producer in Los Angeles, had a lot to do with instilling in him an unwavering belief; to be current and keep to what one is good at. With that in mind, Khylune co- wrote the Love Found Me album with some of the most talented writers across the USA. It is his hope that others find his work personal, yet fun and enjoyable.

For more information on Khylune head to his website at

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