blue pie news

80's Super Group
19 Jan 2011

After 24 years, Missing Persons are reuniting for a series of concerts in the coming months, featuring lead singer Dale Bozzio and Warren Cuccurollo. Many people hail Dale Bozzio as the original Lady Gaga. Warren was initially with Frank Zappa, before moving on to Missing Persons and then Duran Duran. Missing Persons originally disbanded in 1987 after a string of hits and a huge “cult” followingbut they have now reformed for a world tour and a new album.


Dale Bozzio’s relationship with Blue Pie is flourishing and delivering results with a placement of her song ” Simple Simon ” in a new Australian independent film called ” Dealing with Destiny “. With a load of new interest in her music and all things “Missing Persons” it seems that everyone now wants to know the original ” Lady Gaga “. No matter how hard you look, your never gonna find anyone as exciting, talented and totally original as Dale and Missing Persons.

Concerts dates will be announced in the coming months.

For further details please check out the press release section of our website.

For all the latest news on Dale Bozzio you can visit the following websites.

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