blue pie news

We are pleased to announce that Ian Miller, The Wolfman, Diggsville and Hill Brigs were all selected for the new " Chill out " serries compilation. Check out the company at

We are very pleased to have some of our top artists featured in all of the animations used on the Blue Zebra site. Have a look and check out one of the world leaders in digital entertainment retailing systems. Blue Pi...

With glowing comments flowing in the band are already hectic with gigs and promotion. The album is sure to be a big seller this year. Some of the quotes already received include: 'With the elegance and glide of Pink Floyd's comfortably numb, ...

We are pleased to announce the Lawrence Baker AKA " The Lone Wolf " has entered in a global distribution agreement with Blue Pie. Keep an ear and eye out for Lone Wolf . He is already being added to play lists throughout Europe and with compila...

We would like to announce that the Ramblers are forming "One Planet". Be part of it This new planet only has great music, no wars, heaps of smiling faces and everyone gets to eat 3 meals a day and have water....

We are very pleased to announce that " Fontaine " has joined the label. Already license agreements for the USA markets have been secured. Check out the latest clip from this great folk rocker You can fin...

CONGRATULATIONS from all of us at Blue Pie. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! Go to: to listen & also vote for Fyrefly... and don't forget

Within one week Oohlala have made their way from No.476 to No.67 on the Triple J unearthed top 100 chart with their EP hit 'Chop the Mutha Down'. With an album near completion and appearances at festivals already , this is only the begining o...

Click here to the see the hot new video out now from Astronaut 7. NOVA 96.9 FM paid for the Clip, so a huge " Thankyou to NOVA from all the crew at Blue Pie and of course the Astronaut 7 crew. Stay tuned to your favourite music program to see As...

Click here to the see the hot new video out now from Astronaut 7. NOVA 96.9 FM paid for the Clip, so a huge " Thankyou to NOVA from all the crew at Blue Pie and of course the Astronaut 7 crew. Stay tuned to your favourite music program to see As...

We are pleased to announce that Da Ras General is bringing the Reggae to Blue Pie all the way from New York. The tunes are pulsing with the beat of Marleyesque sounds with a breath of Mr Tosh. Check out Da Ras General main site for all the ne...

We are pleased to announce that Blue Pie and the "Rosenbergs" have teamed up. We are extremely honoured to have the "Bergs" as part of the Blue Pie family. This famous DIY band from the USA has turned the world of the majors upside down. They...

MARCH 2007 - We are pleased to announce that one of Africa's top selling artists has teamed up with Blue Pie. We very honoured to have Mr Sunny Neji join the artist ranks at Blue Pie. Sunny was the 2005 Africa " Artist of the year " and has won ...

Congratulations to Fyrefly for the success with " Stain " from the debut album "Boho Sheep". Go to: to listen and also vote for Fyrefly. This is just the start of more Fyrefly chart success. For more info check out www.myspa...

We are pleased to announce that we have teamed up with Music 2 Deal to launch the new Music 2 Deal platform in Australia, New Zealand, Korea and Hong Kong. The agreement will not only provide Blue Pie with access to new lic...

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