Fireworks: The Movie is a 2017 movie written by Kamal Smith, directed by Timothy McCall, and starring Aqeel Ash-Shakoor, La Shayla Hood, Rodriana Jordan and Tatooman Paige. It has been produced by Yellow Alligator Productions and distributed by Planet Blue Pictures US
This drama movie is the story of the local rapper Jackpot the Juice, who has a high-octane facade. Every year on the 4th of July, he wants to become the most famous rapper, and put on the most spectacular fireworks show possible.
Everything was going great for him. Then Kyron, a delivery driver, who seems to have neither the means nor the capacities to create an event as successful as Jackpot’s annual extravaganzas waltzes into their lives. Kyron appears as a competitor to impress his children Harmony and Kalil, and the plot begins to thicken.
This movie is one crazy ride of fireworks, fun and most of all laughter. We dare you to check out this film- we know you will have fun and love it.
Fireworks: The Movie is now available on Amazon, to watch it or for more information you can use the following links: