Blue Pie actively supports Variety helping to raise funds for the kids that need it the most !

Blue Pie Records and Barry Crocker actively support Variety wherever possible. One of our recent initiatives has been the creation of the Variety Barry Crocker Ringtones site.

The site provides users with the ability to download some crazy and very funny ringtones from one of Australia’s iconic stars ” Mr Barry Crocker “. Every time someone downloads a ringtone 30% of the profits generated on every sale are donated to Variety. You can read about how Barry supports Variety and all the fantastic work that they do by visiting Barry’s website.

One of the other ways that we have been able to support Variety has been through the sale of CD’s via the Blue Pie shop.

View the letter of thanks and our donation here:
BPP – Variety – Barry Crocker Thankyou Letter v280806