Blue Pie Records New Releases

This eclectic album is storme's desirable voice teamed with guitars and brass, that results in a soothing album for those who love pop and country.... more [ + ]


Denmark's Franskild  are a collaboration of wonders shown again in their new track 'eden'. This electro duo are self describing re-creations of  the blissful sounds and magnificence of the... more [ + ]

Blue Pie Larryle has released a new single 'Tip Her'. Rap meets pop in this catchy Rnb  track as Larryle & C-money  finds a happy... more [ + ]


J.Ryan has just released a new killer track called ‘Candlelight’ which is the perfect tune right to now to cure those winter blues! With it’s pop-based, light... more [ + ]


It’s hard these days to find musicians who go outside the music genre box and create something different that sounds great. Well that’s exactly what... more [ + ]


DJ Central has done it again, releasing their latest compilation album 'DJ Central Vol 12' which features the latest tracks makes everyday feel like Friday... more [ + ]


Anthology of Blues is the perfect combination of rhythm, jazz, husky vocals and a sneaky sax solo.  The album is a compilation of blue pie... more [ + ]


Country music has hit an all time high with Ryan Sampson new release ‘Till Now’.  A combination of his melodic husky voice and his acoustic... more [ + ]


Watch out ladies and music lovers! Will Ready is on the rise and will have you tantalized with his latest album ‘Seduction’. The album is... more [ + ]


Sick of the same generic pop and RnB you hear in the chart hits? If you want something different to soothe your soul, look no... more [ + ]

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